Salary Calculator

What is the In-hand Salary?

A salary is a regular payment or compensation that an employee receives for their services on a timely basis. It is a comprehensive package made up of several parts, one of which is the net compensation, also known as the in-hand wage. The amount of money an employee gets each month after taxes and other deductions is known as their "in-hand salary."

Although the two are distinct, there is a widespread misperception that they are the same. You can utilize a salary calculator to ascertain the precise amount you receive as take-home pay and to comprehend the relationship between the two.

What is an In-hand Salary Calculator?

A salary calculator is an online financial tool that uses a mathematical formula to determine the amount of in-hand compensation from a complete salary package. It gives everyone a sense of how much they would receive after deducting all other salary-related expenses.

How Does a Salary Calculator Work?

Your take-home pay for each month or year is calculated using a salary calculator using the Cost To Company (CTC) and all total deductions. First, to get an exact total, the calculator adds up all of the deductions that are made from your pay. To determine your overall income, the total deductions are subtracted from your CTC.

Formula to Calculate In-hand Salary

An employee's net salary is calculated using a series of calculations using an in-hand salary calculator. Let's examine the formulas that this instrument use.

  • Gross Salary - Company Cost - Extra Bonus
  • Gratuity is calculated as follows: (Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance) * 15/26 * (Total Years of Service to Company)
  • Professional Tax + Employee Provident Fund (EPF) + Employer Provident Fund (EPF) + Employee Insurance = Total Deductions
  • Gross Salary - Employee/Public Provident Fund Contribution - Tax-Free Allowance equals axable income. - Allowance for Housing Rent - Allowance for Leave Travel - Health Benefits Investments that Save Taxes - Additional Deductions
  • Gross Salary - Income Tax - Employee Provident Fund Contribution - Professional Tax = Net Salary Post Taxation/Take-Home Salary = Gross Pay - Total Deductions

In addition to the tool, manual calculations can be performed using the salary calculation formula given above. Let's say your employer gives you a ₹8,00,000 annual commission (CTC) and a ₹50,000 bonus for the same year.

You can remove the two to get your gross salary amount.

Your gross salary is therefore ₹8,00,000 - ₹50,000 = ₹7,50,000.

In addition, you deduct ₹2,400 for professional taxes annually, ₹3,000 for employee insurance, and ₹21,600 for employer and employee contributions annually.

Consequently, ₹(2,400 + 21,600 + 21,600 + 3,000) = ₹48,600 is your total deduction.

Now that you are aware of all of your annual deductions, you may subtract them from your gross income to determine your annual take-home pay.

Take-home pay is calculated as follows: ₹(7,50,000 - 48,600) = ₹7,01,400.

As a result, the corporation gives you a ₹7,01,400 annual take-home salary. This is precisely the operation of a take-home pay calculator.

What are the Components of a Take-Home Salary Calculator?

Let's first examine the various parts of an employee's pay before delving deeper into the specifics of a salary calculator.

  • Base Pay: Based on his abilities and credentials, an employee's basic salary is the typical reward for his services. It represents around a 40% or 50% portion of the overall CTC (Cost to Company). The fixed component known as the basic salary is the basis for future consideration of additions and deductions.
  • Particular Dispensation: An employee who receives a special allowance is paid extra in addition to their base pay to cover certain expenses. These costs cover the cost of meals, phone bills, internet service, and other essentials during the duration of the program. This sum is subject to taxation and varies based on an individual's pay scale.
  • Allowance for House Rent: An extra perk offered by an employer to a worker residing in a rental property is the House Rent Allowance (HRA). This benefit, which pays for rent, is equivalent to between 40% and 50% of the base pay.
  • Travel Allowance on Leave: Similar to HRA, Leave Travel Allowance is a benefit that reimburses an employee for any out-of-pocket travel expenses they spend while on leave. An employee may be eligible for tax breaks on this amount by providing documentation of travel.
  • Extra: An incentive that is given to an employee in addition to their gross compensation based on their performance is called a bonus. The Income Tax Act exempts this sum from taxation.
  • Provident Fund for Employees (EPF): A portion of the total deductions, or a portion of the monthly wage, must be made mandatory contributions to the Employee Provident Fund, a government savings program. This payment represents roughly 12% of your base pay.
  • Expert Tax: One kind of direct tax that the state government imposes on workers who provide financial services is professional tax. While the tax rate varies by state, an employee may only be subject to a maximum of ₹2,500 in taxes.
  • Refunds: A gratuity is one of the incentives available to employees who work for a company for five years. This component pays an employee when they resign by deducting a certain proportion of their compensation each month.

Advantages of Using Monthly Salary Calculator

Some of the typical benefits of using a monthly salary calculator are listed below.

The majority of salary calculators are easy to use and feature an intuitive layout. A person can quickly and accurately receive results by following two simple steps.

By allowing users to calculate their net pay at the end of each month, this application assists people in budgeting for their future expenses.

An individual can move forward with investment plans if they have an estimate of the entire savings out of CTC, which can be obtained with a salary calculator.

You may estimate the amount contributed to Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and determine the link between the various components of your pay by using a salary calculator.

You can calculate your overall income using a salary calculator to determine your tax liability and make appropriate tax plans.

How to Use a Salary Calculator?

You must carefully follow this step-by-step guide if you wish to use a salary calculator and take advantage of the aforementioned perks.

Step 1: Use a pay calculator to enter the amount of Cost to Company, or CTC, that you will earn in a given fiscal year. You have two options: enter the two information independently or enter the entire sum, including the incentive.

Step 2: Add all other deductions, including employer and employee EPFs, professional taxes, and other components.

The Salary Calculator will automatically present all of the results in a methodical manner, including the monthly or annual take-home pay and the monthly or annual deductions from your CTC.


By now, you should be familiar with how to calculate your actual in-hand income using the CTC that your employer sent you. Prior to using a salary calculator, be sure you understand your pay structure well and can pinpoint the key elements that apply to you.